
An exhibition project "Home for Christmas. The Light of Ukrainian Tradition"

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The project "Home for Christmas. The Light of Ukrainian Tradition" exhibits traditional clothes and utensils, carpets and jewelry, and audio recordings of old carols.

The National Center "Ukrainian House" opened an exhibition "Home for Christmas. The Light of Ukrainian Tradition", which  demonstrates Ukrainian customs of celebrating winter holidays. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.


The Ministry of Culture noted that this year the theme of Ukrainian Christmas has become one of the key ones in the cultural life of the country. 

No doubt, when you say "Home for Christmas," everyone thinks of traditions of celebrating this holiday, depending on the history that preceded our present in different parts of Ukraine. But there are things that truly unite us, and there are those basic Ukrainian traditions that need to be cherished, preserved, and done everything possible to pass them on to future generations. To those who will be brought up on our heritage

- said acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Rostyslav Karandeyev.

The project exhibits traditional clothes and utensils, carpets and jewelry, audio recordings of old carols, as well as works by Vladimir Chagall, Vasyl Omelyanenko, Yakov Hnizdovsky, and contemporary masters, artists, and designers who rethink, interpret, and develop the Ukrainian Christmas tradition.

Exhibits from the collections of the National Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Life of Ukraine and the Ukrainian House, the Yushchenko family collection, and a number of private collections are also presented.


In addition to the exhibition, the "Home for Christmas" project has a strong educational component. The exhibition will include a series of educational events, concerts, lectures, and workshops for adults and children.

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A festive shop with a wide range of Christmas gifts for family and friends will also be open in one of the exhibition halls of the Ukrainian House - you can buy works by Ukrainian masters, designer products, books, souvenirs.

The Ministry of Culture adds that the exhibition will last until January 21, 2024.

As a reminder

The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine has included the traditions of Lenten cabbage rolls and Obukhiv towel making in the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. By December 20, local communities have to submit a 5-year plan to preserve the traditions.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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