
Aggressor tries to create conditions for blocking Kupyansk and resumes offensive in the Liman sector - Syrskyi

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The Russian army intensifies its offensive in eastern Ukraine, focusing on Kupyansk and Lyman, while Ukrainian troops adapt to counter the Russian army's efforts.

Commander of the of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Oleksandr Syrskyi statedthat the situation in the east remains difficult, noting that the Russian army continues intensive offensive on the Kupyansk, Lyman, Siversk and Bakhmut directions, UNN reports.


According to Oleksandr Syrskyi, the occupiers have recently significantly increased the use of armored vehicles and armored vehicles, kamikaze drones, and thus the enemy continues to conduct intense artillery shelling.

As noted, the Russian military is currently trying to create conditions for blocking Kupyansk - the enemy is building up forces by moving units from other directions.

In the Kupyansk sector, the enemy is trying to capture Synkivka at any cost and create conditions for blocking Kupyansk. After suffering losses, he regroups his units. He continues to increase his efforts by moving units from other directions. The total number of personnel of the enemy's assault units is more than two thousand

- the statement reads.

росія планує розмістити біля кордону з Фінляндією свої новітні гаубиці27.12.23, 11:08

In the Liman sector direction, the aggressor resumed intensive offensive actions to drive Ukrainian troops from the area of Serebryanske forestry and the expansion of the Torsky ledge. It is pointed out that the Russian Armed Forces do not abandon their attempts to capture Terny and access the Black Stallion.

Siverskyi sector. According to Syrsky, the enemy is trying to develop an offensive in  the areas of Spirne and Bilohorivka and is preparing assault units from among the airborne units to to develop an offensive in the direction of Soledar and Siversk.

Bakhmut direction. The enemy does not stop intensive offensive actions, trying to capture Bohdanivka, and to restore the lost position in the areas of Klishchiyivka, Kurdyumivka and Andriivka. The occupiers are moving assault groups of the of the "volunteer corps",  also involved the personnel of the marines of the Caspian flotilla.

Колишній головнокомандувач НАТО, у святковий різдвяний час звернувся з проханням про збільшення допомоги Україні24.12.23, 19:28


Ukrainian commanders at all levels are taking the necessary measures to strengthen the defense and prevent the enemy's advance. In particular, Syrskyi noted the effective work of the military units to respond quickly to enemy actions, as well as to prepare optimal options for the Ukrainian armed forces, depending on the current situation.

Commander of the of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reminded that over the past week in the eastern sector the occupiers lost more than three thousand personnel, including more than thousand people were killed. 361 units of enemy equipment were destroyed and damaged. Among them - 43 tanks, 83 armored combat vehicles,  69 artillery systems.

Наступний рік на фронті може бути ще важчим – Тарнавський27.12.23, 11:02

Ihor Telezhnikov



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