
Afraid of surveillance: the occupiers forbid their military to use stolen equipment - Resistance

 • 41035 переглядiв

The Russian occupation forces have prohibited their personnel from using looted equipment, such as telephones, for fear of surveillance, indicating widespread looting in the occupied Ukrainian territories.

The occupation leadership has issued an order to ban the use of stolen equipment by personnel, UNN reports with reference to the Center for National Resistance.

According to the Resistance, such decrees illustrate the situation with looting by the occupiers in the temporarily occupied territories. Due to the massive scale of this phenomenon, the military leadership has banned the use of stolen phones for fear of surveillance.

рф використовує захоплені підприємства на загарбаних територіях у власних цілях - Спротив05.07.24, 06:34

The Center also noted that the enemy does not prohibit its henchmen from looting the homes of locals, but prohibits the use of this equipment. Therefore, the vast majority of stolen equipment is sold by Russians at local radio markets.

На окупованих територіях росіяни змушують українських студентів працювати на російську промисловість - Центр нацспротиву12.07.24, 15:47

Antonina Tumanova



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