Russian propaganda is spreading disinformation about the blocking of access to the TCC databases as a result of a hacker attack on the state registers of Ukraine. The Center for Countering Disinformation under the NSDC reported that access to the "Oberih" database has not been lost, and the legal mobilization is ongoing in accordance with the legislation, reports UNN.
The propaganda of the Russian Federation is spreading lies that due to a hacker attack on the state registers of Ukraine, access to the "TCC databases" is completely blocked, due to which the legal mobilization in Ukraine is "actually blocked" and the TCC employees "grab people on the street without distinction". The Center has verified this information, it does not correspond to reality at all. The "Reserve+" application is working. Access to the "Oberih" database has not been lost
The Center noted that the mobilization measures in Ukraine are ongoing and are being carried out in accordance with the current legislation.
Enemy hackers carried out one of the largest cyberattacks on the state registers of Ukraine. The Ministry of Justice is working to restore access to critical systems, which may take up to two weeks.
As stated by the head of the Center for Countering Disinformation under the NSDC, Andrii Kovalenko, the cyberattack on the state registers of Ukraine was carried out by hackers associated with the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia.