
A maternity hospital in Dnipro and a hospital in Kharkiv were damaged: Ministry of Health reported on the consequences of the occupiers' attack

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As a result of missile attacks Russian missile strikes reportedly damaged buildings of medical institutions in Kharkiv and Dnipro: no patients or medical staff were injured. In Zaporizhzhia, people are trapped under the rubble of a people remain under the rubble of a building in Zaporizhzhia, and 10 people are reported injured, two of them in serious condition. of whom are in serious condition. In Kyiv, at least 14 people are being treated for injuries. In Odesa, one person was killed, and 7 injured (1 child) were reported.

This was reported by UNN with reference to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.


According to information from the Ministry of Health, the massive Russian shelling damaged a maternity hospital in Dnipro and a hospital in Kharkiv.

The blast wave damaged the building of the medical institution and a fire broke out on the territory. An ambulance was damaged. Fortunately, none of the patients or medical staff were injured

- the statement reads.

According to preliminary data, 1 person was killed and 9 injured in the shelling of the city and 9 people were injured, calls continue to arrive.

In Dnipro , the building of a medical facility was severely damaged: patients and medical staff managed to take shelter.

Three "shahids" neutralized in Khmelnytskyi region at night - OVA12/29/23, 9:44 AM

According to current reports , one person was killed in Odesa. It was a result of a hit to a school building, 7 people are known to have been injured, including 1 child.

 Zaporizhzhia: 10 injured, two of them in serious condition. As of 9:00 a.m., it was it was known that people were trapped in the rubble of one of the buildings

Наслідки удару рф по Києву: у Шевченківському районі горить недобудований бізнес-центр29.12.23, 09:26

In Kyiv, at least 14 people were injured of various kinds and are being treated. Calls continue to arrive.

"Кинджали", "Калібри", "шахеди", С-300: Ігнат розповів, які типи ракет випустила рф по Україні29.12.23, 09:20

Ihor Telezhnikov



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