
Unknown persons set off fireworks in Kharkiv on New Year's Eve

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Fireworks were launched remotely in Kharkiv despite the ban

In Kharkiv, on New Year's Eve, unidentified persons set off fireworks in a park using a remote control, the Kharkiv Regional Police reported, UNN reported.

Напередодні зимових свят у МВС нагадали про заборону використання та розповсюдження салютів і феєрверків20.12.23, 03:05


On New Year's Eve in Kharkiv region, police revealed several offenses. Five citizens were on the streets during the curfew. One case of fireworks launching was also recorded.

Around midnight in the Sloboda district of Kharkiv, police received several calls from citizens that unknown persons had launched fireworks in the park. Law enforcement officers found a fireworks launcher with a wire to it. It has been preliminarily established that the fireworks were launched using a remote control

- Kharkiv police reported on Facebook.

The police are currently taking measures to identify the offenders and bring them to justice.

Уродженець рф: поліція встановила особу чоловіка, який запускав салюти в Черкасах01.01.24, 12:23


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