
Ukrainian Navy: "Neptune" hits ship "Konstantin Olshansky" captured during occupation in Crimea

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A Ukrainian Neptune missile hits the Konstantin Olshansky landing ship, which was captured in 2014.

The Ukrainian Neptune hit the large landing ship Konstantin Olshansky, which was captured by the Russian occupiers in 2014. This was reported by the spokesman for the Ukrainian Navy, Dmytro Pletenchuk, on a TV channel on Tuesday, UNN reports.


"Here, a detective story unfolded around the Konstantin Olshansky LLC," Pletenchuk said.

In 2014, he said, this landing ship was captured by the Russian occupiers in Ukraine. It had been standing in Sevastopol Bay for 9 years and was being dismantled for spare parts, he said.

"In the 10th year of the war, they realized that they were running out of landing craft of this project, and it was decided to restore it. And so, for a year, they docked it and carried out restoration work. But the purpose of this work, as we understand it, was to falsify it in order to report to the Moscow leadership... how they had restored one of their previously damaged LLC. It could have been either the Minsk or the Olenegorsk Miner, because the nature of the damage there is such that their restoration is still a big question mark," the Navy spokesman continued.

But, the Ukrainian Neptune... Accordingly, this ship was to be used against Ukraine, unfortunately, so it was decided to hit this unit with our Neptune, and it was also hit, and the damage is being clarified. It was definitely damaged as well. In any case, it is not combat-ready now either

- Pletenchuk said.

До двох уражених російських вдк "азов" і "ямал" можна приплюсовувати "іван хурс" - ВМС ЗСУ26.03.24, 09:19

Julia Shramko



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