
The situation is steadily tense, the occupants are storming constantly and around the clock - 47th Brigade press officer

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The situation in the area of responsibility of the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade remains steadily tense, with Russian occupants attacking around the clock, using their equipment at the front line, despite suffering heavy losses and destroying their military equipment.

In the area of responsibility of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, the situation is steadily tense, the occupiers are attacking constantly and around the clock, using their equipment, which they have started using on the front line.

Anastasia Blyshchyk, a spokeswoman for the 47th Brigade, said this during a telethon, UNN reports .


The Russians are directing their main attack at the area of responsibility of the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade. The situation here is consistently tense. The occupants are attacking constantly and around the clock. They have started to move to the front line with vehicles. Before that, they used their vehicles to transport personnel and to transport ammunition, but recently they have started to move to the front line. However, all of these combat vehicles remain on the battlefield, either hit or destroyed

- Blyshchyk said.

She noted that the equipment can be destroyed with the help of FPV drones, as well as Bradley, infantry, and artillery.

The situation is really difficult, but the 47th Brigade is working. We are doing our best to keep the occupiers in this area. The Russians are constantly changing their tactics. There was a time when they were moving in small groups, probing our firing positions. However, later they started using large groups and armored vehicles to move to the front line. We are eliminating the occupiers, preventing them from breaking through and inflicting an unprecedented number of losses

- Blyshchik added. 

The spokeswoman also noted that Russia is rapidly replenishing its losses with untrained personnel.

There was a situation when the soldiers of the 47th Brigade smashed the assault group and found documents of the liquidated occupiers, which stated that they were mobilized on March 5, 2024. That is, they were lucky to live on our Ukrainian land for 8 days

- Blyshchyk summarized.


During the day, the aviation of the Defense Forces struck 4 areas where enemy personnel, weapons and military equipment were concentrated. 

Українські прикордонники знищили техніку окупантів: на металобрухт перетворено позашляховик та уаз російських загарбників17.03.24, 16:37

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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