
The hair and makeup expenses of German Bundestag President Bas exceeded 13,000 euros last year

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The Bundestag spent more than 13,000 euros on a makeover for President Berbel Bas in 2022, an investigation by Alternative for Germany found, and another 11,970 euros this year.

The German state treasury spent more than 1,000 euros on hair and makeup of Bundestag President Berbel Bas last year cost more than 13,000 euros. About This became known thanks to an inquiry from the Alternative for Germany party, the answer to which was published  by the German government. to which published  edition BILD, reports UNN.


According to the information received by the publication, the administration of the Bundestag administration responded to a request from Alternative for Germany deputy Stefan Brandner reported that only in 2022 for "makeup artists, cosmetologists and/or makeup artists" for the president spent 13,270 euros - more than 1,000 euros per month.

In addition, the current year has already paid 11 970 euros.

German politicians have observed that in the first few first few months after Bs took office (at the end of October 2021), the treasury spent on her appearance only 457 euros were spent from the treasury.

The BILD notes that before she took office, expenditures in these areas amounted to €457 in 2017. in these areas amounted to €0 in 2017-2020. However, apart from the President, other politicians are also concerned about their appearance Other politicians are also concerned about their appearance.

At the beginning of the year the German media reported that the foreign minister of the Federal Republic of Germany, that German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock spent 136,552 euros on stylists and makeup artists in 2022. And the Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz paid for the services of makeup artists last year 40 thousand euros. If we add to this the costs of photographers, we are talking about half a million euros. million euros. The most frugal minister, the German media called German Finance Minister Christian Lindner. He according to official documents, spent only 650 euros on his appearance for the year.


"Alternative for Germany" is a right-populist, Eurosceptic party in Germany. It was founded 10 years ago, and is the third largest party in the Bundestag. third largest party in the Bundestag.

The country's Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution has the the right to monitor the AdG - for violations of laws. 


BILD calculated that as president of the Bundestag, Bas earns almost 20,000 euros a month. In addition, she has a non-taxable tax-free payment of 4,000 euros and a fixed payment of 1,000 euros.

Tatiana Salganik



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