
SBU at night blew up a tunnel in Buryatia, which the Russian federation uses for military supplies from China - sources

 • 62004 переглядiв

The Security Service of Ukraine blew up the Severnomuysky tunnel named after Bessolov, which it is located in Buryatia, and is used by Russia for military supplies from China. Special operation it was successful, according to UNN its sources.  


An explosion occurred on the Baikal-Amur highway last night, namely, in the Severnomuysky tunnel named after Bessolov, which is located in Buryatia.

In fact, this is the only serious railway connection between Russia and China. And now this path, which Russia uses, among other things, for military supplies are paralyzed

- our sources indicated it.

According to our sources, the explosion is another successful one special operation of the SBU, although the special service does not officially comment on this. 

According to our data, during the movement of a freight train 4 explosive devices went off. Now the FSB and railway workers are working on the site they are unsuccessfully trying to minimize the consequences of the SBU special operation.

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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