
russians have invented a new method of forced passportization in the occupied territories of Ukraine

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russia plans to restrict Internet access in occupied Ukraine to holders of russian passports, a step toward tighter control and forced passportization.

The occupiers in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine plan to allow Internet connection only to those residents who have received a russian passport. This was reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports.


It is noted that the russians have invented a new method of forced passportization and control over the local population.

Thus, the occupiers plan to introduce mandatory verification with the passport of Internet users. That is, all users must have a russian passport to continue receiving services

- summarized in the Resistance. 

In this way, the occupation forces of the Russian Federation will strengthen control over local residents, as the enemy is constantly looking for and updating the database of "disloyal citizens."


russians in the temporarily occupied territories have created a database that tracks more than 100,000 "disloyal" Ukrainian residents. In the future, the occupiers will have access to it at checkpoints.

Збирають підписи у супроводі військових: у Центрі нацспротиву про "вибори президента рф" на ТОТ01.01.24, 16:14

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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