
Russian native: police identify man who launched fireworks in Cherkasy

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Cherkasy police identify man who launched fireworks

Police have identified the man who launched fireworks in Cherkasy on New Year's Eve. He was a native of Russia, who has been living in the city since 2014, according to the police of Cherkasy region, UNN reports.


"Law enforcement officers found out that a 38-year-old native of Russia, who has been a permanent resident of Cherkasy since 2014, was involved in the hooliganism," the police said.

The offender allegedly purchased the pyrotechnics on the Internet.

When asked by the police officer about the purpose of the offense, the man replied that he did not know about the ban on the use of fireworks.

The police have now documented the offense and drawn up the relevant materials, which have been sent to court.


Earlier UNN reportedthat fireworks explosions were heard in Cherkasy on the night of December 31 to January 1. The offender was detained. 

Напередодні зимових свят у МВС нагадали про заборону використання та розповсюдження салютів і феєрверків20.12.23, 03:05

Anna Onishchenko

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