
Russia is expelled from the Danube Commission due to attacks on the lower Danube - Kuleba

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Russia will cease to be a member of the Danube Commission due to missile and drone strikes on the lower Danube.

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that Russia will cease to be a member of the Danube Commission because of missile and drone strikes on the lower Danube. russia must leave the commission by February 29, 2024, UNN reports. 

Russia's international isolation continues to grow. After failing to be elected to the International Court of Justice, the executive boards of IMO, UNESCO, and the OPCW in November, Russia suffered another diplomatic defeat in the Danube Commission, one of the oldest international organizations in the world. Yesterday, at the 100th anniversary session under Ukraine's chairmanship, the Danube Commission decided that Russia's membership is unacceptable in view of its missile and drone strikes on the lower Danube

- Kuleba wrote on social network X. 

According to him, Russia must leave the commission by February 29, 2024, otherwise its members will no longer recognize their obligations to Russia under the fundamental Belgrade Convention. 

This decision is an adequate response to the violation of the principles of free and safe navigation on the Danube, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister said. 

To recap, 

For the first time in history, Russia was removed from the UNESCO Executive Board, which was another step in weakening Russia's international role.

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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