
Russia has enough carriers, but there are questions about the number of missiles - Ignat

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russia has aircraft capable of launching numerous missiles, but lacks the missiles themselves, according to a representative of the air force.

The spokesman for the Air Yuriy Ihnat, a spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force, said that Russia has enough different aircraft that can to take a large number of weapons, but as for the missiles themselves, the Russians are facing a shortage. He said this in the telethon "United News", UNN reports

There are enough carriers. One plane, a TU-95 - of which there were 18 that struck last night - can carry eight missiles under its wings. They have dozens of airplanes

- Ignat explained.

He also cited the example example that in addition to the TU-95, Russia also has TU-160, which can take even more missiles. But the issue is precisely the missiles, the Ukrainian Air Force spokesman noted.

У Дніпрі через падіння уламків ракети зайнялася пожежа, на Нікопольщині внаслідок обстрілів є постраждалі 30.12.23, 19:12

The accumulated force of the occupiers in a certain period of time depends on how much the enemy can can afford to use.

How much can they afford to strike on this particular night, or on another, and so on. It all depends on how much the enemy can afford to use.

- said a spokesperson for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ігнат про повідомлення щодо порушення повітряного простору Польщі: сигнал партнерам посилити ППО України29.12.23, 13:57

Rockets are in short supply for them today because they are not made so quickly and are expensive.

 ," he emphasized.

It is also said that the process of producing missiles is really long: it requires testing and delivery to the carriers. 

На тлі масштабного удару рф по Україні: у німецькому Бундестазі закликають передати Києву ракети Taurus29.12.23, 18:36

Ihor Telezhnikov



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