
Rocket attack on Kyiv: KCMA reports fires and damage in four districts

 • 38078 переглядiв

Enemy missile attack on Kyiv causes destruction and fires in four districts

Due to an enemy missile strike in Kyiv, damage and fires were reported in four districts, the KCMA reported, UNN writes.


The KCMA reported on Telegram about the preliminary consequences of the missile strike on the capital:

In the Shevchenkivskyi district, a residential building was preliminarily damaged. There is also a fire on the territory of garages.

In Svyatoshynskyi district, a residential multi-storey building caught fire. At another location, parked cars are on fire. Preliminary, one victim.

In Podilsky district, there is a fire in the territory of warehouses. There are many victims. Information is being updated and clarified.

In Podilskyi district there is destruction on the territory of non-residential buildings. Information about the victims is being clarified.  

In Darnytskyi district, a residential building was damaged. Preliminary, no casualties and no fire.

Ворожа атака на Київ: мер повідомив про сімох госпіталізованих людей29.12.23, 08:56

Julia Shramko



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