
Preparations for pseudo-elections in occupied Melitopol: agitators brought in and communication jammed

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Russian troops are preparing for fake elections in occupied Melitopol, bringing in campaigners and jamming mobile communications. While Ukraine calls for international condemnation and sanctions.

У In the temporarily occupied Melitopol, Russian invaders began preparations for pseudo-elections of the President of the Russian Federation. This was announced by the mayor of Melitopol Ivan Fedorov, reports UNN.

Eight buses of performers were brought to Melitopol and settled in squeezed rooms. They are holding meetings in the district administration building, jamming the communication so that no one can overhear criminal secrets,

- Fedorov said.

According to information of the residents, the occupiers brought in agitators who will carry deadly the occupied communities with deadly lies about the dictator and the "Russian world."

To recap

The Ministry of of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine calls on the international community to condemn the Kremlin's intention to hold presidential elections in Russia to hold presidential elections in the Russian Federation, in particular, on the temporarily occupied territories, and to impose sanctions on those involved in their organization

READ MORE: THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS named the arguments on the basis of which Western leaders can recognize the elections in Russia illegitimate

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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