
Polish carriers to continue blockade of Ukrainian border during Christmas

 • 34880 переглядiв

Polish carriers continue to block the checkpoints on the Polish-Ukrainian border during the holidays, and even talk about tightening the blockade.

Polish carriers, who continue to block three checkpoints on the the Polish-Ukrainian border, will not end the blockade for the holidays. This was reported on Saturday, the organizer of the carriers' strike in Dorohusk, Edyta Ozygala, reports UNN.


The protesters will spend the holidays blockading the border and have already drawn up the corresponding schedule of duties, she clarified. She also said that the strikers would only allow one commercial truck to pass every three hours, not three every hour, as is the case now.

Страйк польських перевізників: Єврокомісія закликала без зволікань розблокувати решту пунктів пропуску 12.12.23, 14:16

At the same time, Polish Minister of Infrastructure Dariusz Klimczak, who met with the strikers, said that to solve the problem at the the border, it is necessary to revise the trade agreement between Ukraine and the EU. Klimchak emphasized that the provisions of the agreement between Ukraine and the EU are very general, which led to the fact that Polish carriers were forced out of the market and lost orders.


Since November 6 Polish carriers have been blocking truck traffic near the three largest checkpoints on the border with Ukraine: "Korczowa-Krakowiec, Hrebenne - Rava-Ruska, and Dorohusk-Yagodyn. The main demands include returning the practice of permits for Ukrainian carriers, which was canceled by the agreement with the EU by June 30, 2024.

Польські фермери заявили про призупинку протесту на кордоні у "Шегинях"23.12.23, 14:44

Anastasia Ryabokon



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