
Number of casualties in Konotop as a result of Russian airstrike increases to four

 • 26415 переглядiв

Four people are wounded as a result of Russian rocket fire on Konotop. No deaths were reported. The mayor announced the establishment of a center to help the victims.

Four people are currently known to have been injured as a result of a Russian missile attack on Konotop, Sumy region. This was reported by the mayor of Konotop, Artem Semenikhin, UNN reports.

All of them are alive. Four people were injured at the moment. It's just, let's say, the consequences of broken glass .

- Artem Semenikhin said.


Many people in Konotop had their windows smashed and window frames and doors blown away. As a result, 4 people were injured. There were no fatalities.

Semenikhin also addressed the residents and announced that a center for assistance in eliminating the consequences of the Russian terrorist attack would start operating in Konotop on January 1. There, people will be helped to properly apply for compensation for damaged property during the week.


Today, as a result of the most massive Russian air attack on Ukraine  in Konotop , four multi-storey buildings, a shop and a service station were damaged

Масштабна атака рф на Україну: 18 людей загинули, серед них - дитина. 132 отримали поранення - Нацполіція 29.12.23, 13:57

Anna Onishchenko



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