
No traces of a Russian missile that flew into Poland's airspace the day before were found in Poland

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The Polish military has found no trace of a Russian missile that reportedly entered airspace during an attack in Ukraine. The search operation has now been completed.

During rf's massive attack on Ukraine, a Russian missile hit Polish airspace. The operational command of the Polish Armed Forces reported that the Polish military found no traces of the missile, the search operation has been completed, UNN reports.


At 15:00, the inspection of the designated area was completed, with nearly 500 territorial defense soldiers participating. The search result was negative. Nothing was found that could threaten the safety of the residents of the Lublin region

- reported the operational command of the Polish Armed Forces.

It is noted that military operations are over and no further further field inspections are planned.


On December 29, the operational command of the Polish Armed Forces announced the violation of airspace by an unidentified object during the terrorist Russia's terrorist attack against Ukraine.

After the incident , the Polish Air Defense Forces put in a state of high alert.

A little later, the country's Chief of the General Staff, Wieslaw Kukula said that everything indicates that a Russian missile entered Polish airspace. Poland this morning during Russia's massive attack on Ukraine.

Кількість постраждалих від російського удару у Харкові зросла до 21 людини30.12.23, 23:09

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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