
Kyiv region police deny information about allegedly handing out subpoenas at checkpoints

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Kyiv regional police deny the allegations of issuing summonses at checkpoints, claiming that they are only performing standard police duties.

The police of Kyiv region reported that law enforcement officers Kyiv region do not issue summonses at checkpoints, but perform exclusively police functions. This is reported by UNN with a link to the Facebook page of the Kyiv regional police.


As noted by the head of the Kyiv regional police, Anatoliy Shchadylo, Kyiv police officers at checkpoints are not engaged in targeted checks of citizens for further mobilization, but perform exclusively police functions.

Namely, they provide security measures through enhanced control over the movement of citizens, vehicles, goods, etc. Mobilization-related activities (pre-trial investigation, administrative detention) are carried out by the police exclusively on the basis of the Cabinet of Ministers' Resolution No. 1487 of December 30, 2022, and only at the request of the territorial centers of recruitment and social support of the region

-  said Shchadylo.

Addendum Addendum

Yesterday, Ukrainian media reported that the commandant's office and police of Kyiv region have been tasked to "search for people who violate legislation on mobilization" at checkpoints.


The spokesman for the Kyiv City Military Administration, Mykhailo Shamanov, a spokesman for the Kyiv City Military Administration, said on Radio Liberty that employees of the territorial (TCC) do not perform security functions, but have the legal rightto to perform their work in Kyiv. According to a KIAA spokesperson, information on the locations and the number of possible summonses handed out is held by the district TCCs.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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