
kremlin shows signs of readiness for ceasefire in Ukraine - NYT

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putin, through intermediaries, demonstrates readiness for a ceasefire in Ukraine, seeking to keep the occupied territories of Ukraine for himself.

russian dictator vladimir putin signals through intermediaries that he is ready to cease fire and to freeze the fighting in Ukraine. The New York Times writes about this with reference to former senior russian officials close to the kremlin, reports UNN.

He is really ready to stop at the current positions. They want to stay where they are on the battlefield

- said one of the former high-ranking russian officials.


Since at least September, Western officials have been receiving new signals that putin is interested in a ceasefire.

According to The New New York Times, former russian, U.S. and international officials who have received officials who have received messages from putin's representatives.

Йому не потрібен мир: Зеленський назвав причини того, чому не піде на діалог з путіним 11.12.23, 17:41

The dictator, according to according to current and former officials, sees a favorable moment for a deal due to a number of factors, including the lack of active progress on the frontline and weak support for Ukraine from the West.

Also. U.S. officials have also said that the ceasefire proposed by putin would preserve a sovereign Ukraine with Kyiv as its capital, but would leave russia in control of the territory of Ukraine that it already occupies. At the same time, they added that Ukraine is unlikely to accept such an agreement.


The russian dictator has recently statedthat he has no plans to to abandon his goals in Ukraine.

США планує створити новий військовий пакт з країнами Північної Європи проти путіна: що він передбачатиме20.12.23, 15:40

Anna Onishchenko



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