
Enemy continues infantry attacks in Tarnavske - Tarnavske direction

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In the Tauride sector, Russian proxies continue infantry attacks with the support of armored vehicles and aviation, reports Brigadier General Oleksandr Tarnavskyi

Russian troops continue infantry attacks in the Tauride sector - over the past day, the enemy actively used armored vehicles and aircraft to support them. This was reported on Monday by the commander of the Tavria operational and strategic grouping of troops, Brigadier General Oleksandr Tarnavsky, UNN reports.

The enemy continues infantry attacks - yesterday they actively used armored vehicles and aviation to support them

- Tarnavsky wrote on Telegram.


According to Tarnavskyi, 60 units of occupants' military equipment were destroyed in the operational area of the Tavria Joint Forces Operation Center yesterday. In particular, 10 tanks, 19 armored personnel carriers, 8 artillery systems, 1 MLRS, 1 UAV, 20 vehicles, 1 unit of special equipment. Another 50 units of enemy equipment were damaged. "The total enemy losses in manpower amounted to 491 people. 6 occupants surrendered," the commander said.

"Our soldiers are steadfastly holding the line and conducting active operations in the designated areas," Tarnavsky said.

According to him, the enemy conducted 11 air strikes in the Tavriya sector, engaged in 38 combat engagements and fired 691 artillery rounds.

Ще плюс 1090 окупантів та 44 танки: Генштаб оновив дані про втрати ворога18.12.23, 07:50

Julia Shramko



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