
Drone wreckage crashes into a house in Khmelnytsky region after air defense operation

 • 28315 переглядiв

During the morning attack, Ukrainian air defense shot down a drone over Khmelnytsky region, the wreckage of which fell on a house without causing fire or injuries, reports NSDC Deputy Chairman Tyurin.

In Khmelnytsky region, air defense forces were working during the morning attack air defense forcer. The wreckage of the drone fell on the roof of a private house. There was no fire and no injuries. All relevant services are working at the scene. This was reported by the first deputy head of the Khmelnytsky Regional Military Administration Serhiy Tyurin, reports UNN.

During the morning enemy attack, air defense forces were working. As a result of the downing of an attack aircraft, the debris fell on the roof of a private house in Khmelnytsky district. There was no fire. No one was injured. All relevant services are working at the scene. We thank the Armed Forces for the reliable defense of the sky over the Khmelnytsky region 

wrote Tyurin.

To recap

At night, air defense forces were working in Khmelnytsky region, explosions were heard.  

Lilia Podolyak



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