
Almost no precipitation, but with squally wind: weather forecast in Ukraine for November 28

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Tomorrow, snow and sleet are expected in the western regions of Ukraine, with wind gusts of 15-20 m/s in the south. The temperature across the country will range from -3°C to +11°C.

Tomorrow, November 28, precipitation is expected only in the western regions of Ukraine, while gusty winds are forecast in the south. This is reported by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, according to UNN.


Cloudy with clearings. No precipitation, only in the western regions snow and sleet during the day (in Transcarpathia with rain). On the roads of the country, there will be ice in some places

- the post says.

It is noted that southwest wind with a transition to southeast wind, 5-10 m/s is expected throughout the country, in the southern regions during the day, gusts of 15-20 m/s are expected.

SEE ALSO: 2046 settlements in Ukraine are without electricity due to bad weather - Ukrenergo

"The temperature at night is 5-10° Celsius, in Transcarpathia, southern Odesa region and southeast of the country 0-5° Celsius, in Crimea 0-5° Celsius; during the day from 3° Celsius to 2° Celsius, in the southern part 3-8° Celsius, in Crimea up to 11°," the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center summarized.

As a reminder,

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said that the headquarters for the elimination of the consequences of the bad weatheraccompanied by significant snowfall in Ukraine are operating in nine regions and under the Recovery Agency, work is carried out around the clock.  

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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