
Against the backdrop of Russia's most massive air attack, the Foreign Ministry called on the world to join forces to stop Russia's genocide of Ukrainians

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine calls on the international community to stop Russian genocide after a massive air attack on cities. Russia used 158 air strikes against civilian targets.

Ukraine calls on the international community to join forces to stop the Russian genocide of the Ukrainian people. This was stated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after the most massive Russian air attack on Friday morning, UNN reports


According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on December 29, Russia carried out one of the largest missile attacks on Ukrainian cities and villages during the entire period of the full-scale invasion. 

According to preliminary information, the enemy used 158 air attack weapons: missiles of various types and attack UAVs. The massive attack was directed at Kyiv, Lviv, Dnipro, Odesa, Kharkiv, Khmelnytskyi and other Ukrainian regions.  A maternity hospital, a school, an apartment building, a kindergarten, a post office, a subway station, and a shopping center are just some of the civilian objects attacked by the Russian army. 

Russian troops are fighting Ukrainian women, children, the elderly, and civilians. The crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine today are its revenge for its failure to turn the tide of the battle on the battlefield against the Ukrainian defense forces. We call on the international community to join forces to stop Russia's genocide of the Ukrainian people. No talk of a "truce," "temporary relinquishment of territories," "fatigue," "negotiations," or other "concessions" will stop Russian aggression, but will only inflate its scale. russia is not considering any other scenario than the complete destruction of Ukraine

-  the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed gratitude to the partners who provided Ukraine with air and missile defense equipment. 

Today, your help has saved many lives. The only possible way to protect Ukrainians is to provide Ukraine with all the necessary military and financial means to defend itself. Russian terror must lose, and Ukraine must win

- the Foreign Ministry said.

"За Дніпро, Одесу, Львів та Київ відповідь не забариться": Данілов відреагував на нічну атаку рф по Україні29.12.23, 13:59


Against the backdrop of the latest Russian missile attack on Ukraine, the EU emphasized that it would support Kyiv as long as necessary. 

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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