
A cargo ship has lost dozens of containers off the coast of Denmark: 14 kilometers of beach covered with shoes, refrigerators and medicines

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The Maersk ship lost 46 containers off the coast of Denmark, and cargo such as shoes and medicines littered 14 km of the coastline.

On the coast of Denmark 4 of the 46 containers that had been stranded off the coast of Northern Jutland the day before, when a storm hit the North Sea the day before. According to the Danish public broadcaster, remnants of the containers were found on each of the 14 kilometers of beachfront, including refrigerators, freezers, medicines, and tens of thousands of pairs of shoes, UNN reports.


The Maersk ship lost 46 containers off North Jutland, and its cargo began to washed ashore. Beach wardens from Blochus and Rodhus, as well as from Førritslev are trying to remove some of the things that are now floating on the beaches on Christmas Eve. floating on the beaches.

About 14 kilometers of coastline are covered by the contents of the containers, namely: 1) Tens of thousands of shoes, which constituted the vast majority of the cargo; 2) medical equipment; 3) small plastic wheels (for example, for wheelbarrows).

Тайвань постраждав від землетрусу магнітудою 6,324.12.23, 03:15

According to the beach bailiff the beach bailiff, things that are not wrapped are almost spoiled by salt water. However, this does not stop people from stealing, and it is very difficult for him to understand why anyone would would want to do that.

People are stealing as much as they can, even though the items belong to Maersk and are therefore theft

- He says.

The shipping giant has promised to help with the cleanup, saying it has engaged a company with experience in recovering and locating lost containers. Maersk announced that it is investigating the case and will take necessary measures to minimize the risk of similar incidents in the future. The affected customers will be informed about their shipments.

Шторм, який прийшов з Тихого океану, став підтоплювати пустелі у Каліфорнії22.12.23, 18:53

Ihor Telezhnikov

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