
Attacks on military targets will continue until russians leave Crimea - Yevlash

 • 28051 переглядiв

Ukraine's air force will continue to strike at military targets in Crimea until the russians leave the peninsula and other occupied territories of Ukraine.

Strikes on military targets will continue until the russians leave Crimea and liberate the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. This was announced by the spokesman of the Ukrainian Air Force Command Ilya Yevlash during a telethon, according to a correspondent of UNN .


As Air Force Commander Oleshchuk said, Crimea is ours. It will not be easy for the russians on a land that is not theirs. Of course, Crimea was, is and will remain Ukrainian. The Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Defense Forces strike only at military targets, at legitimate targets, of course, and this will continue until the russians leave Crimea and liberate the temporarily occupied territories

 - said Yevlash


BILD reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces' strike on Sevastopol in the temporarily occupied Crimea on the night of March 24 was the largest since the beginning of the war.

In the temporarily occupied Crimea, russians are actively transporting field artillery depots.