
Air alert across Ukraine: Russians launch two cruise missiles, there is a threat of ballistic missiles

 • 115524 переглядiв

Ukraine's Air Force issued an air alert for a ballistic missile threat from the northeast and detected two hostile cruise missiles, one heading northwest over Vinnytsia region near the border with Moldova, and the other initially targeting Kropyvnytskyi but later changing course to Cherkasy region.

An air alert has been declared throughout Ukraine. The Ukrainian Air Force warned of a ballistic missile threat from the northeast. It is reported that cruise missiles have been launched, UNN reports.

Attention! Threat of ballistic missile use from the northeast!

- the Armed Forces of Ukraine warned.


The command of the Ukrainian Air Force noted that two enemy cruise missiles were spotted in the Ukrainian sky. One is moving over Vinnytsia region in a northwesterly direction, along the border with Moldova.

The second one first flew to Kropyvnytskyi and then changed course to Cherkasy region.