
UN hugs Lavrov, but cannot visit crash site of Russian IL-76 - Danilov

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Oleksiy Danylov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, criticized the UN and the Red Cross for their inaction after the crash of the Russian Il-76 aircraft. He called for patience while the investigation continues and accused Russia of disinformation.

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov condemned the UN and the Red Cross for their inaction in the investigation of the downing of the Russian Il-76 aircraft. He also called for waiting for all the circumstances of the crash to be clarified. The NSDC Secretary said this on the air of Ukrainian Radio, reports UNN.


Oleksiy Danilov, commenting on the downing of the Russian IL-76, emphasized that Russia is trying to make itself look innocent by creating a disinformation campaign. The NSDC Secretary condemned the activities of the UN and the Red Cross.

"The UN is a strange institution. It embraces Lavrov (Russian Foreign Minister - ed.), kisses him on the gums, and yet it has no right to visit the place where, in their opinion, the tragedy took place. So what is this UN then, what does it do?" - Danilov asks.

He emphasized that the Red Cross was supposed to be at the crash site "literally within hours.

"There is another international institution: "The Red Cross, which should have been there in just a few hours. I remember very well the tragedy that happened on January 8, 2020, when our plane was shot down in Tehran, and I remember exactly what we did. At 11 p.m., our plane landed in Tehran, and our experts examined the scene and collected the evidence that needed to be collected. If the Russians do not allow anyone to go there, they can weave such a story that you can't put on your ears," Danilov said.

He also urged not to draw conclusions prematurely.

"I ask everyone not to make any premature conclusions until the circumstances are finally clarified. We understand that Russia is a cunning country. Therefore, we will wait for the final conclusion. The situation is under the control of Ukraine's top military and political leadership. We understand what is happening and where. We don't have much time left to wait until we finally know what happened there," Danilov added.


On January 24, an Il-76 military transport plane crashed in the Korocha district of Belgorod region of Russia . the Russian Defense Ministry said that 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war were on board, who were being exchanged.

The Russians also immediately claimed that the plane was allegedly shot down by Ukraine.

The Main Directorate of Ukrainian Intelligence stated that there is currently no reliable and comprehensive information on who was on board the downed Russian Il-76 aircraft and in what number.

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin saidthat Russian air defense systems could never have shot down their own plane, so the responsibility for the downing of the IL-76 allegedly lies with Ukraine.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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