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Kuleba is confident that the US will continue to help Ukraine

Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba sees no change in the US support for Ukraine under the Biden administration.

Politics • January 18 2024, 06:02 PM  •  25015 views
Kuleba is confident that the US will continue to help Ukraine

Dnipropetrovs'k region: Russians attacked the region with attack drones and heavy artillery

The Russian army reportedly attacked the Dnipropetrovs'k region of Ukraine using drones and artillery. Although property was damaged, no casualties were reported.

War • January 18 2024, 05:44 PM  •  28610 views
Dnipropetrovs'k region: Russians attacked the region with attack drones and heavy artillery

An ecoterrorist attack was prevented in Odesa region: Keeper told details of the operation

The SBU detained an FSB agent who was preparing an environmental terrorist attack in Odesa region. The main task of the offender was to identify and transfer coordinates where toxic substances are stored, including warehouses and storage facilities with pesticides.

War • January 18 2024, 05:39 PM  •  30134 views
An ecoterrorist attack was prevented in Odesa region: Keeper told details of the operation

Ambassador of Ukraine and Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Poland discussed unblocking the border

The Ambassador of Ukraine in Warsaw met with the new Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Poland to discuss further unblocking of the Ukrainian-Polish border.

Politics • January 18 2024, 05:34 PM  •  26274 views
Ambassador of Ukraine and Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Poland discussed unblocking the border

Odesa remains the main logistics hub: Kiper mentioned the results of the grain corridor

According to Kiper, over 15 million tons of products were transshipped last year, which is 15-20% more than in 2022.

Economy • January 18 2024, 05:18 PM  •  35117 views
Odesa remains the main logistics hub: Kiper mentioned the results of the grain corridor

Another blow to Boeing's reputation: the plane on which Blinken was supposed to fly turned out to be defective

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is stranded in Davos due to a critical malfunction of his Boeing 737 aircraft. This incident once again damages the reputation of Boeing, which has already suffered from previous incidents, including the temporary suspension of all 737 Max 9 aircraft.

Politics • January 18 2024, 05:10 PM  •  34358 views
Another blow to Boeing's reputation: the plane on which Blinken was supposed to fly turned out to be defective

Media: russians use ambulances stolen from Kherson region in chained Crimea

In the temporarily occupied Crimea, russians are using medical equipment stolen from the occupied territories of Ukraine.

War • January 18 2024, 04:59 PM  •  31281 views
Media: russians use ambulances stolen from Kherson region in chained Crimea

Roman Hrynkevych is wanted - SBI

Roman Hrynkevych, the son of Lviv businessman Ihor Hrynkevych, has been put on the wanted list. This happened amid suspicions of fraud with defense contracts worth UAH 1 billion.

Crimes and emergencies • January 18 2024, 04:58 PM  •  26154 views
Roman Hrynkevych is wanted - SBI

Strong winds, snow and ice in Kyiv: patrol policemen give advice on how to behave in such weather

Kyiv residents are warned of wind gusts of 15-20 m/s, ice on the roads and snowfall. Police advise people to avoid trees, construction sites, billboards and power lines, and to secure loose objects.

Society • January 18 2024, 04:58 PM  •  64449 views
Strong winds, snow and ice in Kyiv: patrol policemen give advice on how to behave in such weather

Weapons arsenals, headquarters and barracks: Ukrainian hackers stole technical documentation for 500 objects of the Russian Defense Ministry

The Ukrainian hacker group Blackjack, allegedly affiliated with the SBU, hacked into a Russian state-owned enterprise that builds military facilities and obtained over 1. 2 TB of data.

War • January 18 2024, 04:40 PM  •  30912 views
Weapons arsenals, headquarters and barracks: Ukrainian hackers stole technical documentation for 500 objects of the Russian Defense Ministry