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Georgian Ambassador to France resigns over law on "foreign agents"

Georgia's Ambassador to France, Gocha Javakhishvili, resigned over a controversial law on foreign agents that has strained Georgia's relations with its European partners and made his mission extremely difficult.

News of the World • May 9 2024, 01:27 PM  •  19981 views
Georgian Ambassador to France resigns over law on "foreign agents"

A monument to unidentified defenders at the memorial cemetery will be built in the form of a knight in armor

The architects of the National Military Memorial Cemetery in Ukraine decided that the monument to the unknown defenders should look like a knight in armor, abandoning the more traditional image of an empty helmet.

Society • May 9 2024, 01:18 PM  •  15062 views
A monument to unidentified defenders at the memorial cemetery will be built in the form of a knight in armor

Another Russian serviceman has been identified as the one who shot at a civilian car in Gostomel

Another Russian serviceman has been identified who opened fire on a civilian car in February 2022 in occupied Hostomel, along with other Russian guards.

War • May 9 2024, 01:18 PM  •  17644 views
Another Russian serviceman has been identified as the one who shot at a civilian car in Gostomel

Zelensky on meeting with Metzola: We are working together to strengthen our position to protect life

President Zelenskyy and European Parliament President Mecola met in Kyiv to maximize efforts to protect lives in Ukraine and Europe from Russia's ongoing invasion and attacks.

Politics • May 9 2024, 01:17 PM  •  15458 views
Zelensky on meeting with Metzola: We are working together to strengthen our position to protect life

SBU serves notice of suspicion to UOC (MP) cleric from Kherson region

The Security Service of Ukraine has served a notice of suspicion to a subdeacon of the UOC (MP) in Kherson, who campaigned for the region's accession to Russia, painted the entrance stele in Russian colors and agitated believers to support the pseudo-referendum.

War • May 9 2024, 01:11 PM  •  19185 views
SBU serves notice of suspicion to UOC (MP) cleric from Kherson region

Ukraine's energy system is in shortage: Kyiv plans to minimize evening street lighting

Due to the electricity shortage, Kyiv plans to reduce the brightness of street lighting by at least 20% to reduce the load on the power grid while maintaining power supply to residential buildings.

Economy • May 9 2024, 01:11 PM  •  32232 views
Ukraine's energy system is in shortage: Kyiv plans to minimize evening street lighting

Chief of Staff of the Verkhovna Rada Shtukhnyi wants to give his employees official housing

The Chief of Staff of the Verkhovna Rada proposed to provide official housing to the staff of the Verkhovna Rada by amending the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on official housing.

Politics • May 9 2024, 01:08 PM  •  215231 views
Chief of Staff of the Verkhovna Rada Shtukhnyi wants to give his employees official housing

It is not in the national interest: Britain has not agreed on a pandemic agreement with the WHO

The United Kingdom refuses to sign a global pandemic treaty with the WHO, citing concerns about having to give up a fifth of its vaccines.

Health • May 9 2024, 01:05 PM  •  18833 views
It is not in the national interest: Britain has not agreed on a pandemic agreement with the WHO

President of the European Parliament speaks in the session hall of the Verkhovna Rada

After the air alert ended, the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Mecola, began her speech in the session hall of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Europe Day.

War • May 9 2024, 01:00 PM  •  17724 views
President of the European Parliament speaks in the session hall of the Verkhovna Rada

Russians drop bombs on the school yard in Beryslav

Russian aircraft attacked Beryslav with guided bombs, destroying the school building and boiler room, but causing no civilian casualties.

War • May 9 2024, 01:00 PM  •  16369 views
Russians drop bombs on the school yard in Beryslav