
Dust from the Sahara reaches Ukraine again, bringing yellowish clouds and "dusty" rains

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Sugar dust has reached Ukraine and is visible on satellite imagery over southern, central and northern regions, but it will be washed out of the atmosphere faster through precipitation, potentially giving clouds a yellowish tint, and rain drops will contain dust particles until it retreats eastward by the weekend.

Dust from the Sahara has reached Ukraine, visible on satellite images over southern, central and northern regions, but it will be washed out of the atmosphere faster due to precipitation, potentially turning clouds yellowish, and rain drops will contain dust particles until it retreats eastward by the weekend, the Ukrainian Weather Center said, according to UNN.


"Dust from the Sahara, which was observed in Greece yesterday, has reached the territory of Ukraine today," the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center said.

On the satellite image, where the dust is marked in pink, it is clearly visible over the southern and central regions and spreads to the north, the agency said.

"Since the weather in most parts of the country is determined by cyclone and moist air masses, this will facilitate the interception of dust particles by water droplets in clouds and precipitation. Therefore, this dust will be washed out of the atmosphere faster, but in some areas this phenomenon can give the clouds a yellowish tint, and the raindrops themselves will contain this dust and will not be crystal clear," the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center reported.

The dust, as indicated, "will remain in the atmosphere over Ukraine until Friday and will retreat to the east from Friday to Saturday and the atmosphere will clear.

01.04.24, 10:17 • [views_0]