News by theme

President signs bill on lobbying necessary for EU membership negotiations

President Zelenskyy signed the law on fair lobbying, which is necessary for the start of EU membership negotiations, defining lobbying rules, creating a transparency register, and regulating interaction between officials and stakeholders.

Politics • March 12 2024, 09:12 AM  •  24899 views
President signs bill on lobbying necessary for EU membership negotiations

A record for the largest reading of Taras Shevchenko's poem "Katerina" is set in Ukraine

A record is set in Ukraine for the largest mass reading of Taras Shevchenko's poem Kateryna with 210 participants from 22 countries, organized by the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy.

Culture • March 12 2024, 09:11 AM  •  23461 views
A record for the largest reading of Taras Shevchenko's poem "Katerina" is set in Ukraine

Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henri resigns after weeks of gang violence in the country

Haiti's acting Prime Minister Ariel Henri will resign after the formation of a transitional council and the appointment of an interim prime minister to lead the country amid escalating gang violence.

News of the World • March 12 2024, 09:08 AM  •  24760 views
Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henri resigns after weeks of gang violence in the country

Vatican: The first condition for negotiations on ending the war is the cessation of Russian aggression

The Vatican clarified that Russia must first stop its aggression in Ukraine as a condition for negotiations to end the war, emphasizing that stopping aggression is the responsibility of the aggressor, not the victim.

War • March 12 2024, 08:56 AM  •  27071 views
Vatican: The first condition for negotiations on ending the war is the cessation of Russian aggression

Ukraine transferred surplus electricity to Poland, due to Russian shelling there were problems with electricity in two regions - Energy Ministry

Due to the electricity surplus, Ukraine transferred 1488 MWh of excess electricity to Poland. Russian shelling caused new damage to power grids in Dnipropetrovs'k and Chernihiv regions.

War • March 12 2024, 08:39 AM  •  28613 views
Ukraine transferred surplus electricity to Poland, due to Russian shelling there were problems with electricity in two regions - Energy Ministry

An explosion was heard in Berdiansk in the morning: what is known

It was loud in Berdiansk, with locals reporting that they heard an explosion and saw smoke from the entrance from Mariupol.

War • March 12 2024, 08:33 AM  •  29219 views
An explosion was heard in Berdiansk in the morning: what is known

Helped to take out the filmed material: a policeman is among those who made the world see the Oscar-winning film "20 Days in Mariupol"

Police officer Volodymyr Nikulin helped the crew of the Oscar-winning documentary 20 Days in Mariupol leave the besieged city with footage exposing Russian atrocities.

Society • March 12 2024, 08:28 AM  •  28576 views
Helped to take out the filmed material: a policeman is among those who made the world see the Oscar-winning film "20 Days in Mariupol"

Zelensky on Macron's abrupt change of heart: "He realized that Putin had deceived him personally"

Zelenskyy believes that Macron has changed his position on Russia's "inevitable defeat" because Putin deceived him personally. Macron realized that protecting Ukraine means protecting France and Europe.

War • March 12 2024, 08:22 AM  •  80211 views
Zelensky on Macron's abrupt change of heart: "He realized that Putin had deceived him personally"

Disney explains why it cut the 20 Days in Mariupol win from the international TV version of the Oscars

Disney Entertainment cited the lack of time as the reason for excluding the Ukrainian documentary 20 Days in Mariupol from the shortened international TV version of the Oscars.

War • March 12 2024, 08:21 AM  •  27892 views
Disney explains why it cut the 20 Days in Mariupol win from the international TV version of the Oscars

Israel checks whether it killed the second most influential Hamas leader in Gaza

Israel has verified that Marwan Issa, the second most powerful Hamas leader and deputy to Mohammed Deif, was killed in an air strike in Gaza during the ongoing conflict.

News of the World • March 12 2024, 08:10 AM  •  28576 views
Israel checks whether it killed the second most influential Hamas leader in Gaza