
Occupants in TOT force Ukrainians to renounce Ukrainian citizenship - CNS

 • 113048 переглядiв

The occupiers in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine continue to force Ukrainians to renounce their citizenship by demanding written statements of renunciation.

The occupiers in the temporarily occupied territories continue the policy of forced passportization, forcing Ukrainians to renounce Ukrainian citizenship. This is reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN writes.


The occupiers are forcing residents of the temporarily occupied territories to renounce their Ukrainian citizenship. Russians continue their policy of forced passportization in the occupied regions

- the statement said.

It is noted that the enemy forces Ukrainians to write applications for renunciation of citizenship. This practice was introduced into Russian legislation and is aimed solely at assimilating Ukrainians to the TOT.

"The statement serves as propaganda and is a method of psychological pressure. The forced acquisition of Russian citizenship by Ukrainian citizens living in the temporarily occupied territories is not recognized by Ukraine and is not a ground for the loss of Ukrainian citizenship. Such practices of the Russian occupation administrations are legally null and void," the CNS adds.


Russians plan to involve childrenliving in the temporarily occupied territories in the production of drones. Children will be taught about technologies, design features, and the assembly of UAVs for military purposes during labor lessons at schools.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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