
Kyiv's Obolon is searching for saboteurs: mobile checkpoints have been set up

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To detect Russian sabotage and reconnaissance groups, mobile checkpoints were set up in the Obolon district of Kyiv as part of operational and search activities.

Several mobile checkpoints have been set up in the Obolon district of Kyiv as part of the search for Russian subversive reconnaissance groups . This is reported by the Obolon district RTC and JV, UNN reports.


Search operations are underway in Obolon district of Kyiv with the participation of representatives of the Defense Sector No. 1 of Kyiv, Obolon Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support, 129th Territorial Defense Battalion and representatives of the Obolon Police Department, Main Directorate of the National Police in Kyiv to detect enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups

- the post reads. 

Повістки на блокпостах у Києві: ТЦК не виконують безпекових функцій, але діють в дозволений законодавством спосіб27.12.23, 12:32


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that it is wrong when representatives of the TCC walk the streets looking for boys. 

The head of state noted that asked the military and MPs to make sure that the new draft law on mobilization "has no chance to walk the streets.


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