
Shmyhal in Luxembourg today to discuss confiscation of Russian assets and support for Ukraine

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Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal visits Luxembourg to discuss further support for Ukraine and the confiscation of Russian assets.

Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal has left for a visit to Luxembourg, where he has already met with the country's Prime Minister Luc Frieden, as he himself reported on social media on Tuesday, UNN reports.


"We are starting our visit to Luxembourg with a meeting with Prime Minister Luc Frieden. We will discuss the continuation of support for our country and focus on the issue of confiscation of Russian assets," Shmyhal said.


Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal considers the use of frozen Russian assets for Ukraine's recovery to be one of the key tasks of 2024.

19.03.24, 10:36 • [views_0]

Julia Shramko
