
Bombs thrown at peaceful neighborhoods and civilians: police show first minutes after Russian attack on Kharkiv

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A Russian strike on Kharkiv killed civilians, including 4 children aged 3 months to 9 years, and damaged residential buildings and a school.

The first minutes of the Russian strike on Kharkiv were released by the patrol police. The footage shows destruction and children crying, UNN reports.

"Kharkiv. FAB with UMPC (unified planning and correction module).

Civilians are also being targeted in peaceful neighborhoods. They continue to terrorize Kharkiv, this time a secondary school and at least 14 residential buildings were damaged. Unfortunately, there are dead and wounded, including 4 children, aged from 3 months to 9 years," said Oleksiy Biloshytsky, First Deputy Head of the Patrol Police Department, .

27.03.24, 21:41 • [views_0]

Antonina Tumanova
