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Fire in Odesa: firefighters extinguish fire on 900 square meters

A fire broke out in Odesa, engulfing garbage and shrubbery over an area of 900 square meters, likely due to careless handling of fire.

Crimes and emergencies • May 11 2024, 03:55 AM  •  27288 views
Fire in Odesa: firefighters extinguish fire on 900 square meters

Humanitarian crisis: No aid arrives in Gaza for 3 days

For 3 days, humanitarian aid was not allowed to enter the Gaza Strip through the southern checkpoints.

Society • May 11 2024, 03:38 AM  •  27079 views
Humanitarian crisis: No aid arrives in Gaza for 3 days

Occupants refuse to attack Kharkiv due to fears of Ukrainian defense - ATESH

Some russian soldiers from the 44th Army Corps refused to attack the Kharkiv region because they were aware of the strong Ukrainian defense and failed reconnaissance attempts.

War • May 11 2024, 03:14 AM  •  114584 views
Occupants refuse to attack Kharkiv due to fears of Ukrainian defense - ATESH

May 11: International Windmill Day, World Migratory Bird Day

Today, on May 11, everyone can join the event dedicated to one of the most useful inventions in human history - International Windmill Day. Windmills first appeared in ancient Persia.

UNN Lite • May 11 2024, 03:03 AM  •  116199 views
May 11: International Windmill Day, World Migratory Bird Day

Australia to provide Ukraine with $50 million worth of air defense systems, $32.5 million worth of drones

Australia will provide Ukraine with $50 million worth of RBS 70 NG short-range air defense systems and $32. 5 million worth of drones as part of a new $100 million defense assistance package.

War • May 11 2024, 02:51 AM  •  112150 views
Australia to provide Ukraine with $50 million worth of air defense systems, $32.5 million worth of drones

Enemy tactical aviation is active in the northeast

Enemy tactical aircraft were active in the northeast, posing a threat of air strikes, the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports.

War • May 11 2024, 02:32 AM  •  108825 views
Enemy tactical aviation is active in the northeast

Locals in the temporarily occupied territories refuse to speak russian with touring russian musicians

Local residents in the temporarily occupied territories refuse to speak russian with russian touring musicians, which causes complaints and consideration by the occupation authorities of the issue of conducting "language courses" for Ukrainians.

Society • May 11 2024, 02:19 AM  •  104381 views
Locals in the temporarily occupied territories refuse to speak russian with touring russian musicians

Kharkiv plans to create underground operating, resuscitation and cultural facilities

Kharkiv plans to create operating and resuscitation rooms underground on the basis of existing medical facilities, as well as expand the network of underground cultural institutions to maintain safety and ensure the continuous functioning of cultural and medical life.

Culture • May 11 2024, 02:02 AM  •  35959 views
Kharkiv plans to create underground operating, resuscitation and cultural facilities

War in Ukraine: Loss of russian labor threatens oil sector

The war in Ukraine has resulted in significant losses of russian labor: more than half a million russian soldiers have been killed, and the strategically important oil and gas industry is short about 40,000 workers, jeopardizing its normal functioning.

Economy • May 11 2024, 01:23 AM  •  38438 views
War in Ukraine: Loss of russian labor threatens oil sector

The UN General Assembly granted Palestine the status of an observer state

The UN General Assembly passed a resolution in support of Palestinian statehood, granting Palestine the status of an observer state: 143 countries voted "for", 9 - "against" and 25 - "abstained", although this resolution does not guarantee immediate UN recognition of the Palestinian of the state.

Politics • May 11 2024, 01:03 AM  •  35023 views
The UN General Assembly granted Palestine the status of an observer state