
White House sends Republicans a "vacation reading package" on the consequences of delaying U.S. aid to Ukraine

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The White House accused the Speaker of the House of Representatives of prioritizing domestic politics over national security by delaying US aid to Ukraine.

The White House accuses the speaker of the US House of Representatives of putting "his own domestic politics above the security of the American people" and has sent Republicans a "vacation reading package" about the consequences of the delay in US aid to Ukraine, UNN reports citing Voice of America.

Speaker Johnson is undermining Ukraine's defense capabilities at a time when Putin and his Iranian allies are killing innocent civilians. He is threatening NATO countries that the United States is committed to defending, threatening manufacturing jobs across the country, hindering (America's) interests in the Indo-Pacific, denying military aid to Israel and humanitarian aid to innocent Palestinians

- White House spokesman Andrew Bates said in a commentary .

After the U.S. Senate voted in favor of the Ukraine funding bill, the U.S. House of Representatives did not bring the issue to the floor. Instead, congressmen went on vacation for two weeks. The bill is opposed by the radical wing of the Republican Party in the House of Representatives.

"Speaker Johnson has shown no sign of canceling the Republican furlough, he is putting his own domestic politics ahead of the security of the American people," Bates emphasized.

The White House press service sent House Republicans a document called the "Vacation Reading Packet," which includes a number of articles from various American media about the consequences of Ukraine's delay in receiving the U.S. aid package.

In particular, the "reading package" includes an article from Fox News that Ukrainian troops withdrew from Avdiivka due to an acute shortage of ammunition.

There is also an article from AP about how workers in American factories are waiting for the bill to be passed so that the funds from this aid can go to factories in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and other states to provide jobs and boost the local economy.

The BBC article says: "Children Missing in Ukraine Tracked Down in Russia by Digital Detectives".

"House Republicans say they care about combating child abuse, but they turn a blind eye to the fact that Russia has abducted thousands of Ukrainian children," Andrew Bates comments.

The package also included several articles accusing Speaker Johnson of not agreeing to changes to US border security legislation, and of the Border Patrol union and the US Chamber of Commerce supporting the bill.

In response to the White House's accusations, House Speaker Mike Johnson's spokesman Taylor Halsey said the bill to fund Ukraine, Israel and Indo-Pacific partners does not include border security measures as demanded by Republicans. "No amount of White House commentary can change the fact that House Republicans have been clear from the beginning: any national security funding must begin at our own border. Stunningly, after four months of negotiations in which the House of Representatives did not participate, the White House and Senate bill says absolutely nothing about the border, which is the top issue for most Americans," the response states.


Earlier, US President Biden expressed his belief that the Republicans are "making a big mistake" by not responding to threats from Russia. "The way they are walking away from the threat from Russia, turning their backs on NATO, on fulfilling our obligations. It is shocking. I've never seen anything like it," Biden said.

Значна більшість Палати представників США підтримує законопроект про допомогу Україні - голова фінкомітету22.02.24, 09:35


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