
Verkhovna Rada adopts law to improve social protection of military personnel

 • 111284 переглядiв

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed a bill aimed at strengthening social protection and benefits for military and police officers.

The Verkhovna Rada has supported a bill aimed at strengthening the social protection of military personnel. This was reported by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, UNN reports.


The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has supported the draft law "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Ensuring the Rights of Military and Police Officers to Social Protection".

The draft law was developed in cooperation between the MP group and representatives of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

These provisions of the draft law are aimed at solving social problems in the army and providing additional benefits to servicemen.

Among the key provisions of the new law:

  • Providing an opportunity to receive a one-time maternity leave with full financial support.
  • Establishing the possibility for wounded servicemen to be treated abroad for more than four months, if necessary, according to the decision of the Military Qualification Commission.
  • Introduce regulations aimed at preventing violations related to gender discrimination or sexual harassment.
  • Regulation of staffing issues in the chaplaincy service, allowing civilians to be hired as military chaplains.


The draft law also provides for new powers for state humanitarian aid agencies, including mandatory quality control of humanitarian aid for the Defense Forces and the establishment of liability for failure to comply with official quality control measures for humanitarian goods.

У Міноборони розповіли, що являтиме собою мобільний додаток для військових "Армія+”22.02.24, 16:59


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