
They were settling their relationship: 23-year-old teacher attacks two former students with a knife, one of them dies

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In Zhytomyr region, a 23-year-old teacher stabbed two former students, killing one and seriously injuring the other, after a conflict over a girl escalated into a fight.

In Zhytomyr region, a 23-year-old teacher attacked two former students with a knife. One of the young men died, and doctors are fighting for the life of the other, UNN reports with reference to the police of Zhytomyr region.


According to law enforcement, the incident occurred in the evening of April 25 in the village of Lukovets in Zhytomyr region. A local resident reported to the police that two young men had been stabbed by a stranger near a store. The investigative team, forensic experts and medics immediately arrived at the scene.

As law enforcement officers learned, the two boys came to their former teacher to settle their relationship. One of them accused the man of courting his girlfriend. Later, the conflict escalated into a fight. The 23-year-old man pulled out a knife and started stabbing his opponents. The 17-year-old resident of Khoroshevo was fatally wounded. Doctors are now fighting for the life of his peer, a resident of Kraivshchyna village.

The operatives tracked down the suspect at his place of residence and detained him in accordance with Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. The police found and seized the alleged weapon of the crime - a knife - and sent it for expert examination.


Investigators served the man a notice of suspicion of premeditated murder (Article 115(2)(1) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) and attempted murder (Article 15(2)(1) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The investigation will request the court to impose a custodial measure of restraint.

For committing serious crimes, the man faces imprisonment for up to 15 years or life imprisonment.


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