
There is no confirmation of the attacks, but we can't take any chances: KCMA comments on the evacuation of two hospitals

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Due to a potential missile threat from Russia, two hospitals in Kyiv, including a children's hospital, are evacuated as a precautionary measure, despite no confirmed plans for such attacks.

There is no evidence to suggest that Russia is actually going to attack the capital's hospitals. However, in the face of constant missile attacks, we cannot take any risks. This is how the head of the Kyiv City Military Administration, Serhiy Popko, commented on the evacuation of two medical institutions, UNN reports.


According to Popko, having no significant successes on the battlefield, the Russian Federation is trying to put pressure on Ukraine with information.

"The number of hostile IPSOs aimed at sowing panic and destabilizing the situation in our country is growing significantly. Of course, Kyiv, as the heart of the Ukrainian state, is also subject to hostile information attacks," said the head of the KCMA.

He reminded that today the residents of the capital were shaken by the news of Russia's alleged intentions to launch a missile attack on two Kyiv hospitals, one of which is a children's hospital.

So far, there is no evidence to suggest that Russia is actually going to launch such strikes. However, for us, the lives and health of our people and our children are the highest value. Therefore, for security reasons, it was decided to evacuate two hospitals, one of which is a children's hospital, located on Bohatyrska Street. We cannot take any risks in the face of constant rocket attacks. And parents of children must be calm and confident in the safety of their children. At the same time, I emphasize once again that there is no information that would indicate a real threat at the moment

- Popko summarized.


Earlier, a video was posted on social media in which the head of the State Security Committee of Belarus says that "the lair of Ukrainian terrorists is located in Kyiv hospitals at 30 and 32 Bohatyrska Street.

According to him, they will act "according to the laws of wartime - decisively and without hesitation.

У КМДА показали, як відбувається термінова евакуація лікарень в Києві26.04.24, 18:58


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