
The Ministry of Defense is improving the system of psychological assistance to servicemen and their families

 • 109216 переглядiв

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine continues to improve the system of psychological assistance to military personnel and their families by approving amendments to the legal acts regulating this area.

The Ministry of Defense  of Ukraine continues to improve the system of psychological assistance to military personnel and their families. The government approved the relevant amendments to the regulation on the Ministry of Defense at a meeting on February 16. This was reported by UNN with a link to the website of the military department.

We have only enshrined the grounds for working in this direction in the law. At the same time, work is underway to improve the system of psychological assistance to servicemen and their families as part of the Ministry of Defense's priority project in the All-Ukrainian Mental Health Recovery Program, which was initiated by First Lady Olena Zelenska. The infrastructure is also being created and the relevant competencies of psychological assistance providers are being developed. 

- said Natalia Kalmykova, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine.


Kalmykova also emphasized that monitoring the state of mental health of military personnel and their families is an extremely important condition for military service. 

The Ministry is convinced that many aspects of service and combat activities depend on a high-quality system of psychological support. This includes professional and psychological selection for military service, building psychological resilience and readiness to perform combat missions, controlling combat and service stress, as well as psychological assistance and rehabilitation at the stage of restoring combat capability.

In accordance with the requirements of the current resolution, the Ministry of Defense has secured leadership in creating a comprehensive system for the reintegration and recovery of servicemen released from isolation (captivity).

The innovations also provide for the organization of a comprehensive system of psychological support for servicemen and their families in the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces and the State Specialized Transport Service. 

У структурі Міноборони з’явиться нове угруповання: протимінні сили у Чорному морі16.02.24, 18:31


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