
The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine recorded a change in the direction of movement of several groups of Shahid drones in different regions

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The Ukrainian Air Force has reported changes in the movement of groups of Iranian-made Shahed drones in different regions of the country: some of them are heading northwest of Vinnytsia, west along the border between Mykolaiv and Kirovohrad, and from Kirovohrad to Cherkasy.

A change in the direction of movement of "Shahed" groups in different regions of the country has been recorded. This is reported by the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine , UNN reports.


According to the latest data of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine:

Vinnytsia region: a group of "Shahed" is heading northwest. 

Mykolaiv and Kirovohrad regions: another group of "Shahed" is moving west along the border of these regions. 

Kirovohrad and Cherkasy regions: a group of "shaheds" from Kirovohrad region is sent to Cherkasy region. 

Black Sea and Mykolaiv region: several new groups of "shahed" from the Black Sea are heading to Mykolaiv region. 


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