
Israel conducts "offensive" in southern Lebanon, half of Hezbollah leaders killed - IDF

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Israel is conducting an "offensive" operation against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, which, according to the Israeli Defense Minister, has killed half of Hezbollah's regional leadership.

According to Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, the Israeli army is conducting an "offensive operation" with "numerous forces" against the Islamist group Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, with half of Hezbollah's regional leadership already killed. UNN reports with reference to Die Presse and ORF.


Israeli Defense Minister Gallant said today, April 24, that the Israeli army is taking "offensive action" against the Islamist militia Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. According to the official, half of Hezbollah's local leadership in the region has been killed; the remaining Hezbollah commanders in southern Lebanon, according to Gallant, have fled and abandoned the fighting.

At the same time, it has not yet been reported whether Israeli ground forces have advanced into Lebanon.


The Israeli air force struck a rocket launcher in the Tayr Harf area of southern Lebanon shortly after it was used in an attack on a community in Israel, as well as a Hezbollah military complex, the IDF said on Wednesday.


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