
Dust from the Sahara has come to Ukraine: people are advised to close windows

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Dust from the Sahara has arrived in Ukraine and will spread to most regions today, creating potential health risks for vulnerable groups who are advised to close their windows.

Dust from the Sahara has arrived in Ukraine and will spread to most regions today, and vulnerable groups are advised to close windows amid potential health risks. This warning was issued on Monday by the Ukrainian Weather Center, UNN reports.


As noted, the wave of heat from the western Mediterranean, which has brought us abnormally high air temperatures in recent days, has also captured dust from the Sahara (this is clearly visible on the satellite image from the EUMETSAT platform).

Dust from the Sahara has arrived in Ukraine. Residents of the western region could observe it yesterday, and today it will spread to most regions of Ukraine. The sky will be dim

- the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center reported on Facebook.

It is advised to close windows, as the dust can be harmful to people with respiratory diseases, the elderly and children.

На Молдову насувається хмара пилу із Сахари, зачепить і Україну28.03.24, 00:26


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