
An fsb agent who visited training grounds under the guise of an instructor and collected data on the location of warehouses was sentenced to 15 years in prison

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An fsb agent who spied on Ukrainian military training grounds under the guise of an instructor is sentenced to 15 years in prison for high treason and illegal possession of ammunition.

A russian agent who spied on the Armed Forces training grounds under the guise of an instructor was sentenced to 15 years in prison. This was reported by the Security Service and the Office of the Prosecutor General, UNN reports.


The fsb agent operated in Mykolaiv region under the guise of a tactical training instructor for a local NGO. To gather intelligence, the russian agent organized tactical training for local residents at military training grounds. During the training, he received data on the locations of personnel, military equipment and ammunition depots of the Defense Forces. In addition, to obtain additional information, he tried to use Ukrainian defenders he met during field training. He was particularly interested in information about the location of ammunition in Mykolaiv.

SBU CI officers detained him red-handed in February 2023. During a search of the detainee's apartment, SBU officers seized firearms and 72 rounds of ammunition for the AK-74 rifle of 5.45 caliber.

Based on the evidence, the court found the offender guilty under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine: ч. 2 Art. 111 (high treason committed under martial law) and Art. 1 Art. 263 (storage of ammunition without a legal permit). Based on the materials of the Ukrainian special service, the court sentenced him to 15 years in prison and confiscated his property.

According to the investigation, the man began subversive activities against Ukraine in February 2022. He was looking for people through whom he could pass military information to representatives of the russian special services and armed forces. In particular, on his own initiative, he wrote to a well-known pro-russian blog and offered his assistance in the war against Ukraine.

The enemy accomplice was in contact with the pro-kremlin blogger sergei lebedev (known by the pseudonym "shaggy"), who is hiding in Donetsk and works for the FSB

- the SBU reported.

He sent the "shaggy" man data on the location of foreign-made ammunition for tanks and howitzers, and also indicated the geographical coordinates of the warehouse of one of the military units where it was stored.

Two days later, the channel's administrator personally contacted him and asked him to take a photo of the ammunition depot. The man was detained while trying to fulfill the "task".

Агенти рф готували ураження системи Patriot, їх затримали під час підготовки дронів до ударів - Малюк25.02.24, 18:20


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