
New aid package from Belgium: three hundred armored vehicles and three minesweepers

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Belgium will provide Ukraine with a $450 million military aid package, including 300 Lynx combat vehicles and three minesweepers.

Belgium is preparing a $450 million military aid package for Ukraine. It will include 300 LMV armored vehicles and three mine-searching ships. Shephard Media writes about it , UNN reports .


Belgium has announced a €412 million ($450 million) military aid package to Ukraine in the form of 300 Lynx light multipurpose vehicles (LMVs) and three minehunting ships.

A new military assistance initiative implemented by Belgium together with the Netherlands. This is part of the BELEUX cooperation, an initiative aimed at strengthening Ukraine's military capabilities. Belgium will provide basic training, while the Netherlands will offer on-the-job training for Ukrainian crews of minehunting ships.

11.12.23, 02:45 • [views_0]

Iveco DV introduced the LMV 4x4 in 2001 to provide a vehicle with a high level of off-road capability and armor protection. The company continues to improve the protection and mechanical components.

The vehicle's functionality now includes reconnaissance, patrolling, communications, escort and support services.

More than 4000 LMV1s have been sold to 15 different countries. In particular, Italy has ordered more than 2000 of these cars.

18.03.24, 20:20 • [views_0]


Brussels has promised to provide Ukraine with €611 million in military aid through 2024. About half of this amount is allocated for additional artillery ammunition.

Belgium, which holds the EU presidency, has also demonstrated its commitment to supporting Ukraine beyond military needs by being part of the Ukraine Fund, which aims to provide humanitarian aid and rebuild the most affected regions of Ukraine.

Tatiana Salganik
