
Media predict bankruptcy of Elon Musk's company X in 2024

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The Financial Times predicts that Elon Musk's social network will face a high risk of bankruptcy in 2024 due to a sharp drop in advertising and revenue problems.

Elon Musk's social network X (formerly Twitter) is predicted to go bankrupt this year. The Financial Times writes about this in its forecasts for 2024, UNN reports.

Will Company X go bankrupt? Yes. Elon Musk often uses bankruptcy warnings to motivate his employees: he did it at Tesla and SpaceX. But this time, when advertising in X has plummeted and attempts to create new sources of revenue have failed, there is a high probability that this will happen

- the forecast says.

The authors of the article also write that after recent emotional statements against advertisers, Musk may be reckless enough to think that he can lead the company through bankruptcy and still stay on top.

Musk's fight for control of X in bankruptcy would be a fascinating continuation of the full drama of the Twitter acquisition process

- writes FT.

30.12.23, 06:50 • [views_0]

Anastasia Ryabokon
