
Lunar eclipse: what you can't and what you should do during this period

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During the March 25 penumbral lunar eclipse, it is important to maintain a positive emotional state, avoid conflicts, intoxicating substances and avoid making important decisions and instead focus on spiritual practices, cleansing and getting rid of negative habits.

March 25 at 9.13 am Kiev time will be an important astrological event - penumbral lunar eclipse. Professional astrologer Kseniya Bazilenko specially for readers UNN gave recommendations on how to properly pass this period.

From then on, the eclipse corridor opens, which will last until the solar eclipse on April 8th.

Always the period of eclipses is given to people for correction of their destiny. It is in this period that the main lessons of life come, and some people get boomerang back both their good and evil deeds. This is always a difficult karmic period for all of us, when important global events are played out

- told the astrologer.

The lunar eclipse has its own peculiarity. As the astrologer explained, since the lunar eclipse is connected with the mental emotional state and with family relationships, we can already feel strong emotional tension and irritability a few days before the eclipse.

It is very important during this period to keep a favorable attitude, kind, positive emotions and relationships. In this way you will be able to lay a good program for the next six months

- Basilenko said.

The lunar eclipse will occur in the sign of Libra, which affects relationships in marriage and partnered business relationships.

Couples with strong spiritual ties will be able to strengthen their relationship even more. But in unions where the partners are not ready to accept each other, the relationship can become even more complicated.

We will be taught to negotiate with ourselves and with our surroundings, with people who are your partners, especially in personal relationships

- explains the astrologer.

Also, the period of eclipses greatly affects diplomatic relations between countries.

 It is necessary to remember that during the period of lunar eclipse emotional and physical condition of people worsens. Children and elderly people are especially sensitive to it.

Accidents due to inattention are also possible.

Recommendations for the eclipse period

What to avoid:

  • You must not be in a heavy emotional state, otherwise you will lay down this program for six months. Find the strength to be in harmony with yourself and the world around you.
  • You can't have conflicts. Try to avoid conflict situations, otherwise they will drag on for a long time and remain unresolved.
  • Do not consume alcoholic beverages or other intoxicating substances because it can lead to severe consequences.
  • Refuse elective surgical procedures on this day.
  • You should not make important decisions and sign important papers, buy or sell expensive things or real estate.
  • Refrain from going to the bathhouse and do not subject yourself to heavy physical exertion.

Necessary at the time of the eclipse:

  • Clean the apartment, do a general cleaning, get rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary.
  • Cleanse your body, it is especially good to do this with salt scrubs. Take a contrast shower before the eclipse.
  • Get more rest, take a break from your business.
  • Take time for yourself and spiritual practices, prayers. It is possible to write down on a piece of paper accumulated fears and resentments, and then burn it before the eclipse. It is also good to ask for forgiveness both from yourself and your loved ones, if you have accumulated resentments.
  • Eat right by eliminating meat and heavy foods.

And most importantly: during a lunar eclipse, we can get rid of negative habits, such as smoking, and instill new positive ones.

After all, habits are the quality of our lives

- according to the astrologer.

Весеннее равноденствие перед лунным затмением: гороскоп для всех знаков Зодиака на 18 – 24 марта18.03.2024, 08:06 • [views_0]

Lilia Podolyak
